Osteopath in Littlehampton
Why see an Osteopath? Looking for an Osteopath in Littlehampton?
Patients visit Osteopaths for many different reasons and with varied symptoms. Common reasons people visit Osteopaths include (but are not limited to) feeling restricted in your movement, pain or discomfort, injury, fall, post-operative rehabilitation, tight muscles, feeling imbalanced, headaches, sciatica, and among many others.
Osteopathy isn’t only useful for acute or chronic conditions, Osteopaths can also help prevent problems by pinpointing potential sources of pain before they develop further. Prevention of always better than the cure, so maintaining your body's movement is key to a healthy and mobile body in the long term.

What is Osteopathy? Looking for an Osteopath in Littlehampton?
What is the Philosophy of Osteopathy? Looking for an Osteopath in Littlehampton?
Osteopaths do not only focus on treating the symptomatic area but use a combination of soft-tissue and joint manipulation techniques to help re-balance the body, improve joint motion, increase blood flow. Osteopathy wants all systems in the body working together, providing overall good health and well-being. At our clinic in Littlehampton, our Osteopath Jacopo Saia treats a variety of symptoms.
What is an Osteopathic treatment like?
Craniosacral Osteopathy
The aim of craniosacral osteopathic treatment is to address the stresses and strains within the body, helping to realign the balance of the spine through assessment and treatment of the cranium (skull) and sacrum (pelvis), releasing stresses to release allowing the body to function better. An Osteopaths' core principle is that one’s structure governs their function, so therefore if the physical structures in your body are in a state of balance and harmony, it will be able to function at its best; with the opposite also being true. Craniosacral treatment is one of many techniques our Osteopath can use to help you function and feel at your best.
What can you expect from an Osteopathic visit?
What to wear to your Osteotherapy appointment?
For your osteopathic appointment, we find it's best you wear something flexible and comfortable. It is also an idea to wear something that will enable your Osteopath to assess the affected area (for example, shorts or a vest). It may be necessary for your Osteopath to ask you to remove some clothing in order to assess and treat the affected area.
We want all patients to feel at ease, so please let your practitioner know if you feel uncomfortable undressing at any point of your treatment. You may wish to bring someone to accompany you throughout your appointment.
Will my treatment hurt?
Osteopaths treat using a range of gentle hands-on techniques. However, it may be possible that you experience some discomfort during or after your treatment. Your osteopath will inform you during your session if they feel a certain technique is likely to cause discomfort. If you feel uncomfortable at any point during your session or want to stop your osteopathic treatment, please let your Osteopath know.
You may experience some mild soreness post-treatment which can last up to 48hrs. If you feel you are experiencing some serious or unusual symptoms, please contact your Osteopath for advice.
What's Next?
Common Symptoms our Osteopath seeing in the clinic
- New Patient Appointment - £62 - Book Online
- Follow-Up Treatment - £44 - Book Online
- Free 15 Minute Assessment - £0 - Book Online
- Child Follow-Up - £30 - Book Online
Osteopathy is available at Littlehampton Natural Health Centre Monday to Friday.
Osteopath in Littlehampton - Jacopo Saia
Jacopo studied both in Turin, Italy at the International College of Osteopathic Medicine and in the UK at Kingston University at Nescot College where he obtained a Master of Science in Osteopathic Medicine. Following his passion for helping people, Jacopo has gained great experience working with patients of all ages and helping with a variety of conditions, integrating structural, craniosacral, and visceral osteopathy in order to assist the patient in the best possible way.
Jacopo is a dedicated and compassionate clinician, exhibiting excellent soft tissue skills, as well as high levels of technical performance. He is a very skillful Osteopath and is comfortable and capable of using a number of different modalities and approaches to help his patients.
Find out more about Jacopo here.

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